Integral Privacy Notice
- Contributors or employees -

Last update: April 1st 2024

I. Identity and adress of the liable.
In compliance with la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares y su Reglamento (Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals), and the guidelines of the Secretaría de Economía (Economy Ministry) NUTRIFREEZE LLC., with address at 16315 Dundee Rd 100, Cypress, Texas, 77429, is responsible for the treatment of your personal data. The treatment comprises the procurement, use, releasement, storage, access, handling, harnessing, transfer, and provision of your personal data.

II. The personal data will be subject of treatment.
Your personal data related to identification (name, address, phone number, mobile phone number, email, scholarship, marital status), economic and/or patrimonial (socio-economic study), professional and/or personal references (curriculum vitae), sensitive (health status), questionaries and interviews to evaluate the measures of identification and psychosocial risk factor analysis, can be requested.

(Medical exams and psychological evaluations) to contributors that might be exposed to a psychosocial risk factor and/or working violence, by means off an institution (private or social security, medical doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist of the company).

Evidence of the results of the Evaluation of the analysis and identification of the psychological risk, video surveillance and fingerprint.

III. Data treatment purposes.
The personal data that you provide, will be used to recruit, hire, personnel selection, and, in case of, to integrate your file as a contributor of Nutrifreeze LLC. The information referred in the last point is necessary to evaluate your hiring. Thus, all personal data provided is necessary to integrate the file, as well as the existence, continuance, and fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and the company.

Regarding the video surveillance, its purpose is the well been that enter the company, through the recording of images captured by video cameras installed in determined places, with the purpose of identifying risky behaviors, that constitutes a crime or endanger that work or enter the company. IV. Options and means to limit the use or disclosure of the data.
With respect to the legal side of the working or professional relationship the use of data is limited, likewise, there won’t be any disclosure of any data not indicated in this notice. To accomplish the purposes provided in this notice, personal data will be gathered and treated, even sensitive data, like the one referred to the file in the standout terms. All the data will be treated under security measures so its confidentiality can be guaranteed.

V. Means to exercise the access rights, correction, cancelling or position; and/or mechanisms to manifest a refusal with respect to treatment of personal data; and/or mechanisms to manifest the withdrawal of consent.
You as the bearer can exercise the ARCO (access, rectification, cancelation, opposition, or refusal of use) rights and withdrawal of consent, in writing address to: Liliana Rivas Ibarra, head of the Department of Personal Data in Nutrifreeze LLC. sending a request to the email:, manifesting in a clear and concise manner it’s purpose. If you don’t have an email account, you can do it in writing in the address of the company, during working hours.

Once the request is received, an answer will be provided within 20 business day. If the request is resolved as pertinent, the answer will be effective within 15 business days top.

In case of exercising the Access or Rectification rights, the obligation must be accomplished when the personal data is in given to the bearer (by electronic means, in digital form or by simple copy). In other cases, the respective action will be noticed by email or in writing that can be picked up in the company. The same procedure can be use by you to manifest the refusal of treatment of data in respect to unnecessary purposes, neither the data that didn’t give rise to the legal relationship with Nutrifreeze LLC. as well as to revoke, in any time, your consent.

VI. Data Transference.
You as the bearer expressly manifest, by this conduct, that agree and authorize Nutrifreeze LLC. to transfer your personal data to third parties in and out of the Mexican Republic, exclusively to the purposes previously mentioned, in the understanding that will be brought to the attention of the third parties or the external person in charge of this notice of privacy, as well as the purposes that YOU held its treatment, for the purpose of the third parties or the external people in charge assume the obligations as responsible in respect to the transferred personal data.

You expressly agree and authorize that Nutrifreeze LLC. can transfer your personal data relating to personal and work-related references in the moment that they are requested by third parties.

Also, Nutrifreeze LLC, will transfer personal, economic, or patrimonial data to the finance institutions to contract out the wage payments by bank card or wire, or so you can apply for a bank loan.

It’s assumed that you consent to the use, treatment and transfer of your personal, financial or patrimonial data since the moment in which is given by conduct of the Department of Personnel or of the Personal Data. If you wish that your generic personal, economic, or patrimonial data don’t be transferred, you must manifest your opposition in writing following the procedure described in the previously point V.

Nutrifreeze LLC transfer your personal data to the local and federal authorities (SHCP, SAT, IMSS, INFONAVIT, etc.), exclusively to the exercise of their attributions and functions because the transfer is mandatory.

VII. Sensitive data subject to treatment.
Nutrifreeze LLC obtain the health status of its contributors.

VIII. Changes to the privacy notice.
Nutrifreeze LLC the right, in any moment, to modify or update to this privacy notice to comply with legislative, legal or regulatory novelties, internal policies or new guidelines issued by the qualified authorities. All the changes to the privacy notice will be communicated through notification by email that is provided by you, as well to add a copy of to your file.

IX. Use of remote means to collect personal data.
Nutrifreeze LLC surveillance cameras set in public places inside the premise of the company to guard the safety of the installations.

X. Consent of the Bearer.
The subscribed manifests that I have the knowledge of the existence of this privacy notice, that I’ve read it fully and I accept the use of my personal data, in accordance with the purposes described in this document.

Privacy Notice
- Suppliers -

Last update: April 1st 2024

I. Identity and address of the liable.
In compliance with la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares y su Reglamento (Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals), and the guidelines of the Secretaría de Economía (Economy Ministry) Nutrifreeze LLC, with address 16315 Dundee Rd 100, Cypress, Texas, 77429 is responsible for the treatment of your personal data. The treatment comprises the procurement, use, releasement, storage, access, handling, harnessing, transfer, and provision of your personal data.

II. Personal data that will be object of treatment.
Personal data can be requested regarding identification (name or denomination, commercial name, business address, phone and email), fiscal, as well as video surveillance in case of entering the premise of the company.

III. Purposes of the data treatment.
You’ve been informed that the personal data that you provide, will be used to offer the service, or deliver the product that you require from us, get to know your needs, implement loyalty campaigns, update our data base, as well as to inform you about changes and new products or services in Nutrifreeze LLC.

Regarding the video surveillance, its purpose is the well been that enter the company, through the recording of images captured by video cameras installed in determined places, with the purpose of identifying risky behaviors, that constitutes a crime or endanger that work or enter the company.

IV. Options and means to limit the use or disclosure of the data.
The use of data is limited to a commercial aspect or of a relationship between the supplier and the company, like wise there won’t be any disclosure of data outside of the guidelines of this notice. All the data will be treated under security measures, always guaranteeing your confidentiality.

V. Means to exercise access, rectification, cancelation, or opposition rights; and or mechanisms to manifest the refusal to the treatment of personal data; and/or mechanisms to manifest the withdrawal of consent.
You as the bearer can exercise the ARCO (access, rectification, cancelation, opposition or refusal) rights and withdrawal of consent, through written request to: Liliana Rivas Ibarra, head of the Personal Data Department of Nutrifreeze LLC, sending your request to the email address:, manifesting in a clear and concise matter the respective purpose. If you don’t have an email address, you can deliver the written request in the company’s location, within working hours.

Once the request is received, an answer will be provided within 20 business day. If the request is resolved as pertinent, the answer will be effective within 15 business days top.

In case of exercising the Access or Rectification rights, the obligation must be accomplished when the personal data is in given to the bearer (by electronic means, in digital form or by simple copy). In other cases, the respective action will be noticed by email or in writing that can be picked up in the company. The same procedure can be use by you to manifest the refusal of treatment of data in respect to unnecessary purposes, neither the data that didn’t give rise to the legal relationship with Nutrifreeze LLC well as to revoke, in any time, your consent.

VI. Data transfer.
You as the bearer expressly manifest, by this conduct, that you accept and authorize Nutrifreeze LLC, to transfer your personal data to third parties inside and outside of the Republic of Mexico, exclusively to the purposes previously mentioned, in the understanding that will be brought to the attention of the third parties or the external person in charge of this notice of privacy, as well as the purposes that YOU held its treatment, for the purpose of the third parties or the external people in charge assume the obligations as responsible in respect to the transferred personal data. It is assumed that you consent to the use, treatment, and transfer of your financial or patrimonial personal data in the moment that you share it with us. If you don’t want that your generic, economic, or patrimonial can be transfer, you must manifest your opposition in writing following the procedure previously highlighted.

Nutrifreeze LLC, will transfer your personal data to the local and federal authorities (SHCP, SAT, etc.), exclusively to the exercise of your attributions and functions, because the transfer is obliged.

VII. Sensitive data objected to treatment.
Nutrifreeze LLC, does not collect personal sensitive data from its suppliers.

VIII. Changes to the privacy notice.
Nutrifreeze LLC, reserves the right, in any moment, to make modifications or updates to the present privacy notice, to address the legislative, regulatory or jurisprudential novelties, internal policies or new guidelines issued by the authorities. It will communicate the changes to the privacy notice by notification via email that is provided by you.

IX. Use of remote means to collect personal data.
Nutrifreeze LLC surveillance cameras set in public places inside the premise of the company to guard the safety of the installations.

X. Consent of the Bearer.
The subscribed manifests that I have the knowledge of the existence of this privacy notice, that I’ve read it fully and I accept the use of my personal data, in accordance with the purposes described in this document.

Integral Privacy Notice
- Clients -

Last update: April 1st 2024

IX. Use of remote means to collect personal data.
I. Identity and address of the liable.
In compliance with la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares y su Reglamento (Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals), and the guidelines of the Secretaría de Economía (Economy Ministry) Nutrifreeze LLC, with address 16315 Dundee Rd 100, Cypress, Texas, 77429 is responsible for the treatment of your personal data. The treatment comprises the procurement, use, releasement, storage, access, handling, harnessing, transfer, and provision of your personal data.

IX. Use of remote means to collect personal data.

II. Personal data that will be object of treatment.
Nutrifreeze LLC will request your personal data regarding an identification like name or denomination, address, home, office, or cellphone as well as email. Likewise, data can be requested and collected.

III. Purposes of the treatment of data.
You’ve been informed that the personal data that you provide, will be used to offer the service, or deliver the product that you require from us, get to know your needs, implement loyalty campaigns, update our data base, as well as to inform you about changes and new products or services in Nutrifreeze LLC.

Regarding the video surveillance, its purpose is the well been that enter the company, through the recording of images captured by video cameras installed in determined places, with the purpose of identifying risky behaviors, that constitutes a crime or endanger that work or enter the company.

IX. Use of remote means to collect personal data.

IV. Options and means to limit the use a disclosure of data.
The use of data is limited to a commercial aspect or the relationship between supplier and costumer, so, likewise, there won’t be any other disclosure than the one stipulated in this notice.

All the data will be treated under security measures, always guaranteeing your confidentiality.

V. Means to exercise access, rectification, cancelation, or opposition rights; and or mechanisms to manifest the refusal to the treatment of personal data; and/or mechanisms to manifest the withdrawal of consent.
You as the bearer can exercise the ARCO (access, rectification, cancelation, opposition or refusal) rights and withdrawal of consent, through written request to: Liliana Rivas Ibarra, head of the Personal Data Department of Nutrifreeze LLC, sending your request to the email address:, manifesting in a clear and concise matter the respective purpose. If you don’t have an email address, you can deliver the written request in the company’s location, within working hours.

Once the request is received, an answer will be provided within 20 business day. If the request is resolved as pertinent, the answer will be effective within 15 business days top.

In case of exercising the Access or Rectification rights, the obligation must be accomplished when the personal data is in given to the bearer (by electronic means, in digital form or by simple copy). In other cases, the respective action will be noticed by email or in writing that can be picked up in the company. The same procedure can be use by you to manifest the refusal of treatment of data in respect to unnecessary purposes, neither the data that didn’t give rise to the legal relationship with Nutrifreeze LLC well as to revoke, in any time, your consent.

VI. Data Transfer.
You as the bearer expressly manifest, by this conduct, that you accept and authorize Nutrifreeze LLC, to transfer your personal data to third parties inside and outside of the Republic of Mexico, exclusively to the purposes previously mentioned, , in the understanding that will be brought to the attention of the third parties or the external person in charge of this notice of privacy, as well as the purposes that YOU held its treatment, for the purpose of the third parties or the external people in charge assume the obligations as responsible in respect to the transferred personal data. It is assumed that you consent to the use, treatment, and transfer of your financial or patrimonial personal data in the moment that you share it with us. If you don’t want that your generic, economic, or patrimonial can be transfer, you must manifest your opposition in writing following the procedure previously highlighted.

Nutrifreeze LLC transfer your personal data to the local and federal authorities (SHCP, SAT, etc.), exclusively to the exercise of your attributions and functions, because the transfer is obliged.

VII. Nutrifreeze LLC, do not collect data of the health status of its clients.
VIII. Changes to the privacy notice.
Nutrifreeze LLC the right, in any moment, to modify or update to this privacy notice in order to comply with legislative, legal or regulatory novelties, internal policies or new guidelines issued by the qualified authorities. All the changes to the privacy notice will be communicated through notification by email that is provided by you, as well to add a copy of to your file.

IX. Use of remote means to collect personal data.
Nutrifreeze LLC surveillance cameras set in public places inside the premise of the company to guard the safety of the installations.

X. Consent of the Bearer.
The subscribed manifests that I have the knowledge of the existence of this privacy notice, that I’ve read it fully and I accept the use of my personal data, in accordance with the purposes described in this document.

Integral Privacy Notice
- Visitors and/or General Public -

Last update: April 1st 2024

I. Identity and address of the liable.
In compliance with la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares y su Reglamento (Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals), and the guidelines of the Secretaría de Economía (Economy Ministry) Nutrifreeze LLC,with address 16315 Dundee Rd 100, Cypress, Texas, 77429 , is responsible for the treatment of your personal data. The treatment comprises the procurement, use, releasement, storage, access, handling, harnessing, transfer, and provision of your personal data.

II. Personal data that will be object of treatment.
Nutrifreeze LLC will request your personal data regarding an identification like name or denomination, address, home, office, or cellphone as well as email. Likewise, data can be requested and collected.

III. Purposes of the treatment of data.
You’ve been informed that the personal data that you provide, will be used for marketing, advertising and commercial prospecting, the next included: access to the premise of the company and safeguard the its security and the integrity of its people, likewise to contact you in case you request any information regarding the services of Nutrifreeze LLC, and follow-up of the request.

IV. Options and means to limit the use or disclosure of data.
The use of your data is limited to a commercial aspect or to the supplier-consumer relationship, therefor, likewise, there won’t be any disclosure other than the stipulated in this notice.

All this data will be treated under security measures, always guaranteeing your confidentiality.

V. Means to exercise access, rectification, cancelation, or opposition rights; and or mechanisms to manifest the refusal to the treatment of personal data; and/or mechanisms to manifest the withdrawal of consent.
You as the bearer can exercise the ARCO (access, rectification, cancelation, opposition or refusal) rights and withdrawal of consent, through written request to: Liliana Rivas Ibarra, head of the Personal Data Department of Nutrifreeze LLC, sending your request to the email address:, manifesting in a clear and concise matter the respective purpose. If you don’t have an email address, you can deliver the written request in the company’s location, within working hours.

Once the request is received, an answer will be provided within 20 business day. If the request is resolved as pertinent, the answer will be effective within 15 business days top.

In case of exercising the Access or Rectification rights, the obligation must be accomplished when the personal data is in given to the bearer (by electronic means, in digital form or by simple copy). In other cases, the respective action will be noticed by email or in writing that can be picked up in the company. The same procedure can be use by you to manifest the refusal of treatment of data in respect to unnecessary purposes, neither the data that didn’t give rise to the legal relationship with Nutrifreeze LLC well as to revoke, in any time, your consent.

VI. Data transfer.
You as the bearer expressly manifest, by this conduct, that you accept and authorize Nutrifreeze LLC, to transfer your personal data to third parties inside and outside of the Republic of Mexico, exclusively to the purposes previously mentioned, , in the understanding that will be brought to the attention of the third parties or the external person in charge of this notice of privacy, as well as the purposes that YOU held its treatment, for the purpose of the third parties or the external people in charge assume the obligations as responsible in respect to the transferred personal data. It is assumed that you consent to the use, treatment, and transfer of your financial or patrimonial personal data in the moment that you share it with us. If you don’t want that your generic, economic, or patrimonial can be transfer, you must manifest your opposition in writing following the procedure previously highlighted.

VII. Sensitive data subject of treatment.
Nutrifreeze LLC, does not collect personal sensitive data from its visitors or the general public.

VIII. Changes to the privacy notice.
Nutrifreeze LLC reserves the right, in any moment, to modify or update to this privacy notice in order to comply with legislative, legal or regulatory novelties, internal policies or new guidelines issued by the qualified authorities. All the changes to the privacy notice will be communicated through notification by email that is provided by you or attending to the company’s premise.

IX. Use of remote means in order to collect data.
Nutrifreeze LLC, uses surveillance cameras, set in public places inside the company’s premise, to safeguard the security of its facilities.

X. Consent of the bearer.
The subscribed manifests that I have the knowledge of the existence of this privacy notice, that I’ve read it fully and I accept the use of my personal data, in accordance with the purposes described in this document.

Terms and Conditions

The intellectual property rights from the web belong to the company denominated as “Nutrifreeze LLC”.

The intellectual property rights regarding the content and distinctive signs and domains of the web page, as the rights of usage and their exploitation, including their disclosure, publication, reproduction, distribution, and transformation, are exclusive property of Nutrifreeze LLC and its affiliated companies and subsidiaries. The user does not acquire any intellectual property rights for the mere use of the web page content and in any moment such use will be consider as an authorization or license to use the content with different purposes to the contemplated in these terms and conditions.

The brands, logos, designs and commercial slogans inside the web page are owned by Nutrifreeze LLC, therefor the use of the content included in the webpage, will not constitute at any time an authorization neither a tactic or explicit licence to use, copy, print or reproduce the intellectual property of Nutrifreeze LLC. Nutrifreeze LLC forbids the copy, duplication, redistribution, commercialization or any other activity with a purpose or public use that can be made with the contents of the webpage, even though the sources are cited, unless there is written consent by Nutrifreeze LLC. forbids

Nutrifreeze LLC, reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its webpage, and even limit or not granting access to such information.